First Name
* must provide value
Last Name
* must provide value
Email Address
* must provide value
Phone Number
* must provide value
What School are you affiliated with?
* must provide value
Natural Science and Mathematics
Nursing and Health Professions
Education and Behavioral Sciences
Humanities, Arts and Design
Business and Communication
Natural Science and Mathematics
Nursing and Health Professions
Education and Behavioral Sciences
Humanities, Arts and Design
Business and Communication
Proposal Title:
* must provide value
Provide a brief description of your project:
* must provide value
What is the purpose of your project? Please check all that apply.
* must provide value
Describe the ʻOtherʻ purpose
* must provide value
When is the proposal due?
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
If awarded, what is the proposed project start date?
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
If awarded, what is the proposed project end date?
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
What is the total award amount sought?
Include total direct funds for all years of the project.
* must provide value
What, if any, is the indirect cost (IDC) rate associated with this proposal?
* must provide value
Your IDC rate is different from the federally authorized rate of 45%. Have you received an IDC Waiver from the Provost?
* must provide value
Please attach a copy of your IDC Waiver approval email here
* must provide value
Please obtain Provost authorization by completing and submitting an IDC Waiver Request form. Click the "Save & Return Later" button at the bottom of this page to save your work. You may return to this page and complete this form once you have received an IDC Waiver confirmation.
The IDC Waiver Request form can be found at:
(if the link odes not work, cut and paste the URL above into your browser)
Are there co-PIs on this proposal?
* must provide value
Is your Co-PI a Chaminade University faculty member or staff person or are they from a different institution?
* must provide value
I have Co-PIs from Chaminade and different institution(s)
I have Co-PIs from Chaminade and different institution(s)
Please provide the name(s) of your Chaminade University Co-PI(s)
* must provide value
Name, Department
Please list the non-Chaminade affiliated Co-PI name(s), Position(s) and Affiliation(s) below.
* must provide value
Name, Position, Institution
Do you have all appropriate agreements in place with your non-Chaminade affiliated Co-Investigator (i.e. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), Material Transfer Agreement (MTA), Intellectual Property Agreement)?
* must provide value
I donʻt know / not sure
I donʻt know / not sure
Please attach copies of your completed agreements here.
* must provide value
Please consult with your supervisor and/or Dean regarding what documents you may need before your proposal is submitted
Will this proposal include Sub-Awards?
* must provide value
What is the name of the institution/organization receiving the largest (or only) sub-award?
* must provide value
Please provide the amount of the largest (or only) sub-award.
* must provide value
Do you want to add a second sub-award in your proposal?
* must provide value
What is the name of the institution/organization for sub-award 2
* must provide value
What is the amount of sub-award 2?
* must provide value
Do you want to add a third sub-award in your proposal?
* must provide value
What is the name of the institution/organization for sub-award 3
What is the amount of sub-award 3?
* must provide value
Do you want to add any additional sub-awards in your proposal?
* must provide value
Please list any remaining sub-awards using the format: Institution, $ amount
* must provide value
Institution, $ amount
Funding Source Type:
* must provide value
Federal State City/County Business/Industry Philanthropic Other Federal
Please provide the name of the ʻBusiness/Industryʻ funding source.
* must provide value
Please provide the name of the ʻPhilanthropicʻ funding source.
Please provide the name of the ʻOtherʻ funding source.
* must provide value
What Federal Agency will you be applying to?
* must provide value
National Science Foundation (NSF) Dept. of Defense Dept. of Education Dept. of Energy Dept. of Agriculture NOAA Other National Science Foundation (NSF)
Dept. of Defense
Dept. of Education
Dept. of Energy
Dept. of Agriculture
Please provide the name of the ʻOtherʻ Federal agency
* must provide value
What State Department or Agency will you be applying to?
* must provide value
Department of Agriculture
Department of Business, Economic Development, & Tourism (DBEDT)
Department of Education
Department of Hawaiian Homelands
Department of Health
Department of Human Resources Development
Department of Human Services
Department of Labor & Industrial Relations
Department of Land & Natural Resources
Department of Transportation
Office of Hawaiian Affairs
Hawai'i Tourism Authority
Hawai'i Visitors Bureau
Department of Agriculture
Department of Business, Economic Development, & Tourism (DBEDT)
Department of Education
Department of Hawaiian Homelands
Department of Health
Department of Human Resources Development
Department of Human Services
Department of Labor & Industrial Relations
Department of Land & Natural Resources
Department of Transportation
Office of Hawaiian Affairs
Hawai'i Tourism Authority
Hawai'i Visitors Bureau
Please provide the name of the ʻOtherʻ state department or agency.
* must provide value
What County will you be applying to?
* must provide value
Hawai'i Island
Hawai'i Island
Please provide the city, state and county of your funding source.
* must provide value
Is there a Hawaiian cultural component to the Project?
* must provide value
Marianist values included in your proposal:
* must provide value
Click all that apply.
United Nations CIFAL SDGs are addressed in your proposal:
* must provide value
Choose all that apply.
Does the proposed Project require the allocation of any new space?
* must provide value
Please describe the new space requirements.
* must provide value
Will you be acquiring new equipment with this award?
Equipment is defined as an item of non-expendable, tangible personal property, having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost which equals or exceeds the lesser of the capitalization level established by the recipient organization for financial statement purposes, or $5,000.
* must provide value
Please describe the equipment you expect to purchase with this award.
* must provide value
What is the expected cost of the equipment you intend to purchase?
* must provide value
Do you currently have space to place and/or store this equipment?
Describe your plan for placing and/or storing this equipment.
* must provide value
Will the deployment of this equipment require any modifications or remodeling of existing space?
* must provide value
Please describe what modifications or remodeling will be required to deploy this equipment, including estimated costs.
* must provide value
Does the Project propose funding for faculty summer salaries or staff extra service pay?
* must provide value
Describe your proposed funding for faculty summer salaries or staff extra service pay.
* must provide value
Does the Project require any funded or unfunded release time from teaching or administrative duties for anyone involved?
* must provide value
Describe in detail your proposed faculty/staff release time from teaching or administrative duties.
* must provide value
Does the Project involve research on vertebrate animals?
* must provide value
Have you received approval for this work from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)?
* must provide value
Please attach IACUC approval documentation here.
* must provide value
You will need to obtain IACUC approval before the university can accept this award.
Does the Project involve research on human subjects?
* must provide value
Have you received approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB)?
* must provide value
Please attach IRB approval documentation here.
* must provide value
You will need to obtain IBC approval for this work before the university can accept this award.
Signature: [Requestor]
* must provide value
Click on ʻAdd Signatureʻ and sign with your mouse, trackpad or touchscreen.
Signature Date
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
Attachment 1. FEDERAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST DECLARATION (updated November 2019)
(fill this section only for Federal grants in which the requestor is the Principal Investigator). The disclosures relate to the topic of the specific grant being submitted.
NSF and Other Non-Public Health Services Federal Financial Disclosure
Applicants to the National Science Foundation must disclose project-related financial interests for themselves and all other project investigators at the proposal submission stage.
The PI is responsible for answering "Yes" or "No" to the following question on behalf of all Chaminade personnel (including the PI) who meet the definition of investigator and are involved in the proposed project.
Do you, your spouse, your registered domestic partner, and/or your dependent child(ren) have any of the following interests that (i) would reasonably appear to be affected by the research for which funding is sought, or (ii) are in the sponsor of the research, or (iii) are in entities whose financial interests would reasonably be affected by the research?
* must provide value
Receipt of income or payment for services over the past 12 months from any single business entity exceeding $10,000; Any equity interest exceeding $10,000; Any intellectual property interest assigned or to be assigned.
Did any Chaminade investigator involved in this proposed project (including the PI) answer "Yes" to the above question? If yes, please list the individuals who meet the definition of investigator on this project who answered "Yes." Click here to enter text.
PHS Financial Disclosure (e.g., NIH proposals)
The Public Health Service (PHS) requires disclosure of significant financial interests by all investigators who participate in PHS-funded research either directly or by subaward
The PI is responsible for answering "Yes" or "No" to the following question on behalf of all Chaminade personnel (including the PI) who meet the definition of investigator and are involved in the proposed project.
Do you, your spouse, your registered domestic partner and/or your dependent child(ren) have any of the following financial interests related to your institutional responsibilities? ☐ Yes ☐No
Receipt of income or other payment for services over the past 12 months from and/or equity interest(s) in a publicly traded entity totaling more than $5,000; Receipt of income or other payment for services over the past 12 months from a non-publicly traded entity totaling more than $5,000; Any equity interest(s) in a non-publicly traded entity; Receipt of payments for any intellectual property rights and interests totaling more than $5,000.
If yes, please list the individuals who meet the definition of investigator on this project who answered "Yes" please enter into text box.
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